The God of All Comfort

Maybe I do have something to say, after all.

Before my son, Garrett died….[ wow!, that still makes me pause – writing my son’s name followed by the word ‘died’ will forever make my heart hurt.  Those are words that should never be together in any sentence.] Well, before, I served God in any way He led me, I led the women’s ministry at my church, taught Bible studies, substituted in Sunday School whenever asked, sang in the choir and praise team, and spoke at women’s events around the state.  I always had something to say or to sing about Jesus.

But, after Garrett was killed in Iraq, everything changed.  The pain was beyond intense, the impact completely devastating.  I didn’t sing. I didn’t lead. I didn’t speak. The joy of those things seemed to have been buried along with my son.

One Sunday, during an attempt to attend church and be ‘normal’, a friend of mine caught me in the hallway and asked if I’d come give a little testimony in the Bible study she was leading.  I will never forget the look in her eyes when I replied, “I’m sorry, but no. I have nothing to say.” The loss of my son had stripped me bare and I no longer had it in me to share, anything.

God had already begun my healing process, but it wasn’t until He led me to write down the sorrow, the pain, the loneliness and the loss did I begin to see a bigger picture, His picture, which is when the true healing began.  It took me about five years to get to a point where I was ready to share again, but the miraculous healing that God had done in me had to be shared. We are now at ten plus years and He is still working on healing me. I don’t think it will actually be complete until I’m in heaven with Jesus and Garrett.

I do think however, that I have something to say again.  No matter the pain, the trials, the heartbreak we experience, I think we all, at some point, have something to say.  I’ve survived the death of my son, so I have comfort and encouragement to give to those who have suffered that kind of loss.   My sister survived breast cancer, she has comfort and encouragement to give to those who are in treatment or dealing with the aftermath of treatment.  And she does, every chance she gets.

Christ has brought us through the toughest, most devastating times of our lives and I believe He wants us to do as the Scripture says in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”   

Whatever trials you have faced, whether in health, death of loved ones, financial, or  something else, as you heal and are comforted by God, be listening for His voice or His nudge as He leads you to comfort those in trouble with the same comfort you received from Him.   Maybe YOU have something to say, as well.



11 thoughts on “The God of All Comfort

  1. You are definitely an inspiration to me. I cannot fathom the pain you went through. When I see you, you may not always be in the best of moods ( ; but you are always smiling or laughing. I love you for your courage and your ability to help others heal in their times of sorrow.


  2. I am encouraged by you daily. We have come through many trials and defeats and devastations together. Our faith in God is what has helped heal us and strengthened us as we continue to live forward. I love you.


  3. May 21, 2018
    Love you Patti with an i 😊❤️
    You are such an inspiration to me & so many.
    Happy Heavenly Birthday to your son Garrett! 🎂
    He is an Angel watching over you. God bless him for his willingness to serve & protect all of us! 🇺🇸
    Love you always! 💐😘❤️


  4. Beautiful. I have so much to say…. my relationship with god is so personal and so extraordinary that I don’t talk much about it…. UNLESS ASKED. And I will share my experiences with the world!!! Whenever anyone asks me why I believe in god or why haven’t they experienced the faith etc. I tell them to pray. Ask for a revelation. Mean it with your whole heart. And when it comes, don’t deny it.
    I’m not kidding Patti, I have been blessed with so many revelations that I prayed to god to please stop because I didn’t need it anymore and I would never doubt him again. It’s truly miraculous.


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